Missions Moments, February 10, 2023-The Autersons in France

Missions Moments, February 10, 2023-The Autersons in France

The Autersons in France


Taking the gospel power to the land of the Eiffel Tower


Thank you to all of you who prayed for our Christmas outreach events. The kids’ Christmas party went well. Unfortunately, the caroling planned for the outdoor Christmas market was canceled due to inclement weather.

Our Christmas service went very well with several visitors and a record attendance! There was a wonderful, joyful spirit and after the service three people asked for Bibles! The following Sunday, the 24th, we had more visitors and some who returned after visiting the week before! At 10, we had breakfast together and a time of sharing. The hour was filled with touching testimonies of how God was working in people’s lives and hearts and how God uses His children to be an encouragement to one another. At the end of the worship service, more Bibles were gladly received by visitors.

- Pray that God’s Word would not return void! - Pray that Satan would not be able to take away the Word that was sown in the hearts of these visitors (many of whom are now coming every week)!

- Pray for the salvation of several teenagers who are now coming regularly but are not yet saved.

- Pray for the spiritual growth of several young Christians in the church. - Continue to pray for our building project which is finally moving slowly forward.

- Kirianna has an appointment with a rheumatologist in February. Pray they would be able to find out what is causing the pain in her arms.

May God bless you as you continue to serve Him in the new year

Gratefully serving,

Lance, Amy, Kirianna, Aliyah, Cannon & Kayne Auterson



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