Missions Moments, Dec 31, 2023-Amber Yingling, Philippines

Missions Moments, Dec 31, 2023-Amber Yingling, Philippines





  This is Still True

By Faye Dykes, Ambassador for Joyce's Kids

"Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." These are the words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 19:14. When Richard and Joyce Vick were missionaries in Ethiopia years ago, Joyce had a burden to help the deaf boys and girls. She realized that before you could bring the children to Jesus, they had to be taught their language. With this as a burden when they started Baptist International Outreach (BIO), the deaf ministries became an important part of their outreach.

Today this is still true, and our missionaries are seeing many children learn their language and then have the opportunity to accept Jesus as their Savior. We want to thank you for your prayers and support over all these years. As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, please know that you are giving Him the most important gift of all—the opportunity for these children to spend an eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Christmas is about missions: God became a man so that He might redeem, reconcile and restore humanity. In Bethlehem that night, the angel of the Lord declared: "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Can the glory and grandeur of that night ever be imagined? Can the message and meaning of that night ever be fathomed? This Christmas, like Mary, let us ponder and keep these things in our hearts. Thank you for your partnership with us in the work of missions! We wish a blessed Christmas to you and yours!

An Internship and a Furlough:  Since my visit to a couple of orphanages this past June, I felt the Lord leading me to make a change for the last part of my first missionary term in the Philippines. I believe God is leading me to move to the province of Pampanga, which is four hours north of Batangas. As I prayed about which orphanage would be good for an internship, God gave me confirmation that the Philippine Baptist Orphanage would be the best fit. The orphanage currently houses over 115 children of all ages, with the youngest being four months old. Here, I will be able to get hands-on experience with all the different aspects of running an orphanage. I know that this time of training will be a great help when God allows me to open my own orphanage.

The move to Pampanga will not be until May of 2024 due to my language course not ending until April. The Lord has given me confirmation again and again through His provision. After one year of this internship, I will be returning to the States for my first furlough. Furlough will help me prepare for the opening of an orphanage during my second missionary term in the Philippines. The plan right now is to return for furlough in May 2025 and come back to the Philippines in March of 2026. Pray with me about the location of the orphanage. Perhaps it will be in Batangas since there is no orphanage of like faith here.


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Welcome From The Pastor, December 31, 2023